Oceania is made up of 14 sovereign states, some of them relatively recently formed (1991). 99% of the territory is given by Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand; the remaining nations are all small coral islands, with some exceptions given by islands of volcanic origin (Fiji, Solomon, Vanuatu, Samoa) and therefore much more extensive than the coral ones. Other islands controlled mainly by the United States and France are part of the continent.
The average altitude of the continent is consequently quite low (340 meters); however New Zealand and Papua New Guinea are rather mountainous regions. Major lakes and rivers are obviously found in Australia; the climate is generally tropical and equatorial, while in the interior parts of Australia it is scorching hot, in New Zealand there is a temperate climate.
Area: 8,945,000 km² (3,454,000 sq mi)
Population: 48,760,000 (2019 estimates)
Pop. density: 5,5 inhab/km² (14 inhab/sq mi)
Most populous city: Sydney (4,699,000 inhab., 4,836,000 urban aggl.)
Highest mountain: Puncak Jaya 4,884 m (16,024 ft)
Lowest point: Lake Eyre -15 m (-49 ft)
Longest river: Darling 2,740 km (1,703 mi)
Largest lake: Lake Eyre 9,500 km² (3,668 sq mi)
Largest island: New Guinea 785,753 km² (303,381 sq mi)
Biggest cities | Highest mountains | Longest rivers | Largest lakes | Largest islands | Countries and Capitals
Asia Countries and Dependent Territories

American Samoa

Cook Islands

French Polynesia


New Caledonia


Northern Mariana Islands

Pitcairn Islands


Wallis and Futuna