Home > Oceania > New Zealand
New Zealand flag
New Zealand
   New Zealand is made up of 2 main islands (North and South) and is mainly mountainous; after Australia it is the second most important country in Oceania, even if both territory and population are much smaller.
Government type Parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy
Area 269,652 kmē (104,113 sq mi)
Population 4,700,000 inh. (2018 census)
Population 5,372,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 20 inh/kmē (52 inh/miē)
Capital Wellington (216,000 pop., 441,000 urban aggl.)
Currency New Zealand dollar
Human development index 0.937 (13th place)
Languages English, Maori (both official)
Life expectancy M 81 years, F 85 years
Dependent Territories Cook Islands (237 kmē - 91.5 sq mi, 15,000 pop.)
Dependent Territories Niue (261 kmē - 101 sq mi, 1,690 pop.)
Dependent Territories Tokelau (11 kmē - 4.2 sq mi, 1,900 pop.)
Location in Oceania


Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean


Largest cities
Auckland 1,537,000 pop.
Christchurch 396,000 pop.
Wellington 216,000 pop., 441,000 urban aggl.
Highest mountains
Mount Cook / Aoraki 3,754 m (12,316 ft)
Mount Tasman 3,497 m (11,473 ft)
Longest rivers
Waikato 425 km (264 mi)
Clutha / Mata-Au 322 km (200 mi)
Largest lakes
Taupo 613 kmē (237 sq mi)
Te Anau 344 kmē (133 sq mi)
Wakatipu 295 kmē (114 sq mi)
Wanaka 201 kmē (78 sq mi)
Largest islands
South Island 150,416 kmē (58,076 sq mi)
North Island 114,154 kmē (44,075 sq mi)
Stewart Island / Rakiura 1,681 kmē (649 sq mi)
Chatham Island / Rekohu 920 kmē (355 sq mi)


   New Zealand is divided into 16 regions and 2 external areas (Chatham Islands and Kermadec Islands), with other uninhabited outlying islands not included under any public authority; Canterbury (45,346 kmē), on the South Island, is the largest region, while Auckland (5,600 kmē), the second smallest after Nelson (445 kmē), is clearly the most populated, as it lives here about 1/3 of the population.

   There are 7 cities over 100,000 inhabitants, with Auckland being the only one over a million people; the major urban centers are found mainly along the coastal strip and on the North Island, much more populated than the South Island, despite the smaller surface area.



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Milford Sound
Milford Sound

Capoe Reinga
Cape Reinga

Tongariro National Park
Tongariro National Park

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