Government type Semi-presidential republic
Area 69,700 kmē (26,911 sq mi)
Population 3,714,000 inh. (2014 census, excluding Abkhazia and South Ossetia)
Population 3,695,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 53 inh/kmē (137 inh/miē)
Capital Tbilisi (1,171,000 pop., 1.259,000 urban aggl.)
Currency Georgian lari
Human development index 0.802 (63rd place)
Languages Georgian (official), Russian, Armenian, Azeri
Life expectancy M 70 years, F 78 years
Abkhazia and South Ossetia declared themselves independent in July 1992 and November 1991 respectively, a few months after the dissolution of the Soviet Union; both are officially recognized only by Russia and a handful of other countries. Abkhazia corresponds to the north-western part of Georgia, is 8,640 kmē wide and has an estimated population of about 245,000 inhabitants, with the capital Sukhumi (66,000 pop.); Abkhazians make up about 50% of the total, followed from Georgians (19%), Armenians (17%) and Russians (9%). South Ossetia has an area of 3,860 kmē and a predominantly mountainous territory, is located in the north-central part of Georgia and borders Russia (North Ossetia) to the north, is inhabited by 53,000 people, 89% of which is of Ossetian ethnicity, the capital is Tskhinvali (32,700 pop.).