Largest cities
Addis Ababa 4,030,000 pop., 7,185,000 urban aggl.
Highest mountains
Ras Dashen 4,533 m (14,872 ft)
Longest rivers
Shebelle 2,050 km (1,274 mi) total, 1,150 km (715 mi) in Ethiopia
Jubba 1,650 km (1,025 mi) total, 775 km (482 mi) in Ethiopia
Blue Nile 1,450 km (901 mi) total, with section in Sudan
Tekezé 608 km (378 mi) total, with parts in Eritrea and Sudan
Largest lakes
Turkana 6,405 kmē (2,473 sq mi) total, including Kenyan section
Tana 3,250 kmē (1,255 sq mi), medium surface area
Abaya 1,160 kmē (448 sq mi)