Home > Africa > Kenya
Kenya flag
Republic of Kenya
Jamhuri ya Kenya
   Kenya is a country in central-eastern Africa, located between Ethiopia and Tanzania and overlooking the Indian Ocean to the south-east; the territory of this African state, one of the most coveted as a tourist destination, is mainly given by plateaus of 2,000 meters high, which rise north of the capital Nairobi up to well over 5,000 meters; to the east towards the coasts and Somalia instead extends a flat area.
Government type Presidential republic
Area 591,971 kmē (228,561 sq mi)
Population 47,564,000 inh. (2019 census)
Population 52,428,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 89 inh/kmē (229 inh/miē)
Capital Nairobi (4,828,000 pop., 6,929,000 urban aggl.)
Currency Kenyan shilling
Human development index 0.575 (152nd place)
Languages English, Kiswahili (both official), regional indigenous idioms
Life expectancy M 64 years, F 68 years
Location in Africa


Ethiopia NORTH
South Sudan NORTH-WEST
Uganda WEST
Tanzania SOUTH
Somalia EAST
Indian Ocean SOUTH-EAST


Largest cities
Nairobi 4,828,000 pop., 6,929,000 urban aggl.
Mombasa 1,340,000 pop., 1,446,000 urban aggl.
Nakuru 571,000 pop.
Ruiru 490,000 pop.
Eldoret 476,000 pop.
Highest mountains
Mount Kenya 5,199 m (17,057 ft)
Mount Elgon 4,302 m (14,114 ft)
Longest rivers
Tana 800 km (497 mi)
Athi-Galana 390 km (242 mi)
Largest lakes
Lake Victoria 68,800 kmē (26,564 sq mi) total, 3,100 kmē (1,197 sq mi) in Kenya
Lake Turkana 6,405 kmē (2,473 sq mi) total (small section in Ethiopia)
Largest islands
Pate 75 kmē (29 sq mi)
Mfangano 65 kmē (25 sq mi) in Lake Victoria


   Kenya is divided into 47 counties, with the two largest, Turkana and Marsabit in the north-western part of the country, which together make up almost 1/4 of the territory, while that of Nairobi is the most populated despite being the third smallest after those of Mombasa and Vihiga.

   There are 22 cities with over 100,000 inhabitants, distributed mainly near the capital Nairobi or west of it, with few exceptions, starting with Mombasa, located along the coastal strip on the Indian Ocean.



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Lake Turkana
Lake Turkana

Tsavo National Park
Tsavo National Park

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