Home > North America > Grenada
Grenada flag
   Grenada is part of the Lesser Antilles and in addition to the main island, the Southern Grenadines are included in the territory. Country born in 1974, when it gained independence from the United Kingdom; the economy is still tied to agriculture, limited by the small territory, with tourism and off-shore financial activities on the rise.
Government type Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Area 344 kmē (133 sq mi)
Population 106,700 inh. (2011 census)
Population 126,900 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 369 inh/kmē (954 inh/miē)
Capital St. George's (38,300 pop.)
Currency Eastern Caribbean dollar
Human development index 0.795 (68th place)
Languages English (official), Creole-English, Patois (Creole-French dialect)
Life expectancy M 73 years, F 79 years
Location in North-Central America


Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean


Largest cities
St. George's 38,300 pop.
Highest mountains
Mount Saint Catherine 840 m (2,756 ft)
Largest lakes
Grand Etang 0.04 kmē (0.015 sq mi)
Largest islands
Grenada 306 kmē (118 sq mi)
Carriacou 34 kmē (13.1 sq mi)
Ronde Island 2.7 kmē (1 sq mi)
Petit Martinique 2.4 kmē (0.9 sq mi)


   Grenada is administratively divided into 7 parishes, one of which corresponds to the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique, in the northernmost part of this small Caribbean country; the parishes of the capital St. George's and that of St. Andrew are the two most populated, with the latter also being the largest.

St. George's