Home > North America > Canada
Canada flag
   Canada is the second largest state in the world after Russia, in fact it covers 10 million square kilometers of surface; however, over 65% of the territory is uncultivated, given the latitude of the country, forests are also very extensive (26.5%). Due to the conformation and geographical position of Canada almost 2/3 of the inhabitants live in Ontario and Quebec, in particular in the areas of Toronto and Montreal, where the climate is milder; Canada is undoubtedly one of the most advanced nations with the best standard of living.
Government type Federal parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy
Area 9,984,670 kmē (3,855,103 sq mi)
Population 36,992,000 inh. (2021 census)
Population 40,755,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 4.1 inh/kmē (10.6 inh/miē)
Capital Ottawa (1,017,000 pop., 1,087,000 urban aggl.)
Currency Canadian dollar
Human development index 0.936 (15th place)
Languages English, French (both official), regional idioms
Life expectancy M 79 years, F 84 years
Location in North-Central America


United States SOUTH and NORTH-WEST (Alaska)
Pacific Ocean WEST
Arctic Ocean NORTH
Atlantic Ocean EAST


Largest cities
Toronto 2,794,000 pop., 6,837,000 urban aggl.
Montreal 1,763,000 pop., 3,750,000 urban aggl.
Calgary 1,307,000 pop., 1,349,000 urban aggl.
Ottawa 1,017,000 pop., 1,087,000 urban aggl.
Edmonton 1,011,000 pop., 1,186,000 urban aggl.
Winnipeg 750,000 pop., 774,000 urban aggl.
Mississauga 718,000 pop.
Vancouver 662,000 pop., 2,484,000 urban aggl.
Brampton 656,000 pop.
Highest mountains
Mount Logan 5,959 m (19,551 ft)
Highest mountains Mount Saint Elias 5,489 m (18,009 ft)
Longest rivers
Mackenzie (with Peace River) 4,241 km (2,635 mi)
Yukon 3,185 km (1,979 mi) total, 1,149 km (714 mi) in Canada
St. Lawrence 3,058 km (1,900 mi) total, initial part in United States
Nelson (with Saskatchewan) 2,575 km (1,600 mi)
Columbia 2,000 km (1,243 mi) total, 801 km (498 mi) in Canada
Churchill 1,609 km (1,000 mi)
Largest lakes
Lake Superior 82,100 kmē (31,699 sq mi) total, 28,700 kmē (11,081 sq mi) in Canada
Lake Huron 59,600 kmē (23,012 sq mi) total, 36,000 kmē (13,900 sq mi) in Canada
Great Bear Lake 31,328 kmē (12,096 sq mi)
Great Slave Lake 28,568 kmē (11,030 sq mi)
Lake Erie 25,700 kmē (9,923 sq mi) total, 12,800 kmē (4,942 sq mi) in Canada
Lake Winnipeg 24,387 kmē (9,416 sq mi)
Lake Ontario 18,960 kmē (7,320 sq mi) total, 10,000 kmē (3,861 sq mi) in Canada
Lake Athabasca 7,935 kmē (3,064 sq mi)
Reindeer Lake 6,650 kmē (2,568 sq mi)
Nettilling Lake 5,542 kmē (2,140 sq mi)
Lake Winnipegosis 5,374 kmē (2,075 sq mi)
Largest islands
Baffin 507,451 kmē (195,928 sq mi)
Victoria 217,291 kmē (83,897 sq mi)
Ellesmere 196,236 kmē (75,767 sq mi)
Newfoundland 108,860 kmē (42,031 sq mi)
Banks 70,028 kmē (27,038 sq mi)
Devon 55,247 kmē (21,331 sq mi)
Axel Heiberg 43,178 kmē (16,671 sq mi)
Melville 42,149 kmē (16,274 sq mi)
Southampton 41,214 kmē (15,913 sq mi)
Prince of Wales 33,339 kmē (12,872 sq mi)
Vancouver 31,285 kmē (12,079 sq mi)


   Canada is administratively divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories, with Nunavut (2,093,190 kmē) and Québec (1,542,056 kmē) being the largest, but with the first also being the least populous of the whole country with just over 40,000 inhabitants and a very low density of 0.02 inh/kmē; in the south-eastern part of the territory, on the other hand, we have the 3 provinces that are clearly less large, in the order Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick; Ontario, with just under 16 million inhabitants, is the most populous province and welcomes almost 2/5 of Canadians.

   In total there are 52 urban centers over 100,000 inhabitants, concentrated especially in the area between Toronto and Québec City, but also with some important cities in the western part of Canada, always in its southern part with a relatively more favorable climate.



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Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls


Banff National Park
Banff National Park

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