Home > Study and Travel Abroad
   Studying abroad is an incredible adventure. It gives students the opportunity not only to get a good education, but also to enrich their inner world by immersing in a new culture and exploring a new country. Traveling to another country to study, students improve their foreign language skills, if it is not an English-speaking one, and gain unique life experience.

   The choice of a country to study abroad depends on various factors. Besides education, these include cultural characteristics and cost of living. Below you will find a list of different study abroad destinations that combine a high level of education with travel opportunities.

   The United States of America

   USA remains one of the most popular destinations. This is a country where the world's most famous universities are located. In particular, they are Stanford, Harvard, or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

New York skyline

   In addition to high quality education, the USA offers students a wide variety of travel destinations. From the majestic skyscrapers of New York to the natural wonders of the Grand Canyon.

   Apart from that, you will also be fascinated by the following places.
  • Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. It is the first national park in the world with hot springs and unique geysers.
  • San Francisco in California. It is famous for its architecture and Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Niagara Falls. One of the most famous natural attractions in the world, located on the border with Canada.
  • The place where the largest trees in the world and giant sequoias grow, namely Sequoia National Park in California.
  • We also should mention the capital of the United States with numerous museums, memorials and the White House, namely Washington, D.C.

   The United States is indeed rich in unique places. But how do you manage to visit all of them if you have chosen this country to study in?

   After all, students are often faced with a large number of tasks and sometimes limited time. In such cases, a good solution is to turn to professional online services that will help you get a high-quality essay and other academic papers.

   The option of pay for essay papers will allow you to allocate your time more efficiently and at the same time get the best results. When students turn to proven and reliable services for online help, they can be sure that their papers will be written by experts and in compliance with all academic standards.

   Thanks to the help of qualified writers, you can be academically successful and enjoy the incredible places and unique cultures of the country you are studying in.


   France is also a great combination of education based on a deep history and cultural riches. The Sorbonne, the University of Paris-Saclay and the University of Strasbourg. They offer a wide range of academic programs. Especially in the fields of arts, humanities and business.

Paris, France capital

   French universities offer high quality education and support for international students, which makes the adaptation process easier and more enjoyable.

   In addition, France is known for its art, cultural attractions and gastronomy.
  • The Louvre is an incredible collection of art and architecture.
  • French cuisine deserves special attention.
  • You can fully experience the beauty of the country by visiting Provence, the Côte d'Azur, or the French Alps.

   Great Britain

   We will not dwell on the details of the quality of education, because it is an indisputable fact when we talk about Oxford, Cambridge or the London School of Economics. Each of them is known for its high level of teaching and research, interdisciplinarity, and innovative approaches to education.

Lake District National Park

   In addition, the UK will be interesting for cultural enrichment. While here, you should definitely visit:
  • Big Ben, Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace in the capital of the country.
  • The capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, is famous for its medieval castle and the annual Fringe Festival.
  • The ancient megalithic complex Stonehenge, which is one of the most mysterious monuments in the world.
  • The Lake District National Park in Cumbria, known for its picturesque lakes and mountain trails.


   Japan is one of those leading destinations where students can combine high quality education with a unique culture. The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Osaka University offer a variety of academic programs and research opportunities. They are also known for their support of international students, which makes the adaptation process easier.

Mount Fuji and Chureito Pagoda

   In addition to its incredible technological achievements, Japan has a long and unique culture.
  • On the modern side, exploring the metropolitan areas of Tokyo and Osaka is a great adventure.
  • Historic temples and gardens:
    The oldest temple in Tokyo, located in the Asakusa district, Sensoji Temple.
    The temple with a large bronze statue of Buddha, Todaiji Temple.
    A temple on the island of Miyajima, famous for its floating thorium, Itsukushima.
    Museum with famous gardens, which often take first place in the ratings of Japanese gardens, Adachi Museum.
  • Among the natural wonders, Fujiyama and Japanese hot springs deserve special attention.


   The benefits of studying abroad go far beyond academic knowledge. Choosing a country to study in is a crucial step that can affect your future career. Nevertheless, each of the countries in consideration offers excellent opportunities to obtain a high-quality education and at the same time a strong cultural enrichment. By choosing to study abroad, you have a chance to gain a unique experience that will help both your future career and personal development.

   Stella Gary
   A traveler and researcher of unique places around the world. Writes essays about the historical, natural and cultural features of different countries. Author of a travel blog.