Home > Europe > Slovenia
Slovenia flag
Republic of Slovenia
Republika Slovenija
   Slovenia was the first country to separate from Yugoslavia in 1991 and can be considered a crossroads between Slavic and Germanic countries; it has a short stretch of coast on the Adriatic Sea. The territory is largely mountainous and includes the eastern area of the Alps; in the first few years, Slovenia was able to start a decent economic development, favored by the fact that before that it was the most advanced area of Yugoslavia.
Government type Parliamentary republic
Area 20,271 km² (7,827 sq mi)
Population 2,109,000 inh. (2021 census)
Population 2,124,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 105 inh/km² (271 inh/mi²)
Capital Ljubljana (288,000 pop.)
Currency Euro
Human development index 0.918 (23rd place)
Languages Slovene (official), Serbo-Croatian, Italian, Hungarian
Life expectancy M 79 years, F 85 years
Location in Europe


Italy WEST
Austria NORTH
Hungary EAST
Croatia SOUTH and EAST
Adriatic Sea WEST


Largest cities
Ljubljana 288,000 pop.
Maribor 97,100 pop.
Kranj 37,800 pop.
Celje 37,700 pop.
Highest mountains
Triglav 2,864 m (9,396 ft)
Longest rivers
Sava 947 km (588 mi) total, 221 km (137 mi) in Croatia
Drava 749 km (465 mi) total, 145 km (90 mi) in Austria
Largest lakes
Cerknisko Jezero 26 km² (10 sq mi)
Bohinj 3.2 km² (1.2 sq mi)


   For statistical purposes Slovenia is divided into 12 regions, while at the administrative level it is made up of 212 municipalities, the only official entities in the country; Southeast Slovenia is the largest region, before Central Slovenia, where the capital is located and which hosts the largest number of inhabitants, the only one over half a million people.

   There are 16 urban centers with at least 10,000 inhabitants, but only the capital Ljubljana exceeds 100,000 people, with Maribor very close to this threshold; all the other cities and towns have less than 50,000 inhabitants.


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