Government type Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Area 41,543 km² (16,040 sq mi)
Area 41,865 km² / 16,164 sq mi (including the Dutch Caribbean)
Population 17,943,000 inh. (2023)
Population 17,987,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 433 inh/km² (1,121 inh/mi²)
Capital Amsterdam (931,000 pop., 1,736,000 urban aggl.)
Capital The Hague (566.000 ab., 3.027.000 urban aggl.) seat of government
Currency Euro
Currency U.S. dollar in the Dutch Caribbean
Human development index 0.941 (10th place)
Languages Dutch (official), Frisian, English, Papiamento
Life expectancy M 80 years, F 83 years
Overseas Territories Aruba (179 km² - 69 sq mi, 106,200 pop.)
Overseas Territories Curacao (444 km² - 171 sq mi, 147,000 pop.)
Overseas Territories Sint Maarten (34 km² - 13 sq mi, 43,100 pop.)