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United Arab Emirates flag
United Arab Emirates
Al-Imarat al-'Arabiyah al-Muttahidah
   As you can guess from the name it is a confederation of Emirates, 7 in all (Dubai and Abu Dhabi the two best known); the territory is almost totally desert and arid. The great fortune of the Arab Emirates has been oil, the fields of which have been exploited since the middle of the 20th century, although recently there has been a development of other economic sectors.
Government type Federal monarchy
Area 83,600 kmē (32,278 sq mi)
Population 9,592,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 115 inh/kmē (297 inh/miē)
Capital Abu Dhabi (1,362,000 pop.)
Currency United Arab Emirates dirham
Human development index 0.911 (26th place)
Languages Arabic (official), English
Life expectancy M 78 years, F 81 years
Location in Asia


Saudi Arabia WEST and SOUTH
Persian Gulf NORTH
Gulf of Oman EAST


Largest cities
Dubai 3,700,000 pop., 4,945,000 urban aggl.
Abu Dhabi 1,362,000 pop.
Sharjah 1,275,000 pop.
Al Ain 496,000 pop., 1,060,000 urban aggl.
Highest elevation
1,910 m (6,266 ft) near Jabal Bil Ays, located in Oman
Longest rivers
Only non-permanent rivers
Largest lakes
Only non-permanent lakes
Largest islands
Abu al Abyad 306 kmē (118 sq mi)
Sir Bani Yas 87 kmē (34 sq mi)


   The country is administratively a federation made up of 7 emirates, with Abu Dhabi constituting a good 87% of the territory, given almost exclusively by desert areas; the emirate of Dubai, on the other hand, is the most populated, despite a much smaller area than the emirate of the capital.

   The main cities of the United Arab Emirates are located along the coast of the Persian Gulf, excluding Al Ain; also in the north-eastern extremity of the country, overlooking the Gulf of Oman, there are some inhabited centers, but none of them exceeds the threshold of one hundred thousand inhabitants.

Abu Dhabi