Home > Asia > Jordan
Jordan flag
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Al Mamlakah al Urduniyah al Hashimiyah
   Jordan is located in the Middle East and is mainly desert, among the Arab countries it is geographically closest to Israel. The population mostly resides in the area between the capital Amman and the Jordan River valley, which is more conducive to human settlement.
Government type Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Area 89,318 kmē (34,486 sq mi)
Population 9,532,000 inh. (2015 census)
Population 11,609,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 130 inh/kmē (337 inh/miē)
Capital Amman (4,165,000 pop., 6,563,000 urban aggl.)
Currency Jordanian dinar
Human development index 0.720 (102nd place)
Languages Arabic (official), English
Life expectancy M 72 years, F 75 years
Location in Asia


Israel and Palestine (West Bank) WEST
Saudi Arabia SOUTH-EAST
Indian Ocean (Red Sea) SOUTH-WEST


Largest cities
Amman 4,165,000 pop., 6,563,000 urban aggl.
Zarqa 736,000 pop.
Irbid 582,000 pop., 988,000 urban aggl.
Russeifa 547,000 pop.
Highest mountains
Jabal Umm ad Dami 1,854 m (6,083 ft)
Longest rivers
Jordan River 250 km (155 mi), including parts in Syria, Israel and Palestine
Largest lakes
Dead Sea 600 kmē (232 sq mi) total, 335 kmē (129 sq mi) in Jordan


   Jordan is administratively divided into 12 governorates, with those of Ma'an and Mafraq being the largest and together making up 2/3 of the entire territory, while the governorate of the capital Amman is the most populated, with over 4 million and half of inhabitants.

   Of the 16 cities with at least one hundred thousand inhabitants, 10 are part of the urban area of the capital Amman; the remaining major urban centers are also located in the north-western part of the territory, with the only exception of Aqaba, located in the south-western extremity, on the shores of the Red Sea.
