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Cyprus flag
Republic of Cyprus
Kypriakí Dimokratía
Kibris Cumhuriyeti
   Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and the only one in the Asian continent (and not European as it is sometimes reported); it is located south of the Turkish coasts and east of the Syrian ones. At the political level Cyprus has been divided since 1974 between Greece and Turkey and only the first part has entered the European Union, the negotiations for reunification have so far failed.
Government type Presidential republic
Area 9,251 km² (3,572 sq mi)
Population 923,000 inh. (2021 census - only Greek part)
Population 1,268,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 137 inh/km² (355 inh/mi²)
Capital Nicosia (116,000 pop., 327,000 urban aggl.)
Currency Euro (in the Greek part)
Currency Turkish lira (in Northern Cyprus)
Human development index 0.896 (29th place, only Greek part)
Languages Greek, Turkish (official), Armenian, Cypriot Arabic
Life expectancy M 79 years, F 83 years
Location in Asia


Surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea
Since 1974 the northern part of the island has been occupied by troops from Turkey, which invaded this area of Cyprus fearing that, after a previous coup, the whole island would be annexed to Greece (which is actually quite far away, about 800 kilometres). A Republic was created in the area occupied by Turkey, 3,355 km² wide and inhabited by about 340,000 people, of Turkish origin; the capital is still Nicosia, in its northern part. However, the country, known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), was not recognized as sovereign by the international level, but only by Turkey.


Largest cities
Nicosia 116,000 pop., 327,000 urban aggl.
Limassol 108,000 pop.
Strovolos 71,100 pop.
Larnaca 52,000 pop.
Highest mountains
Mount Olympus 1,952 m (6,404 ft)
Longest rivers
Pedieos 100 km (62 mi)
Yialias 88 km (55 mi)
Largest lakes
Limassol Salt Lake 10.6 km² (4.1 sq mi)
Largest islands
Cyprus 9,251 km² (3,572 sq mi)


   Cyprus is divided into 6 districts, although at the moment these are more theoretical than effective and with real administrative functions, as some of them are partially or completely located in the Turkish area of the island, which has its own separate government; the Nicosia district is both the largest and the most populated.

   Almost half of the 20 major urban centers are located in the urban area of the capital Nicosia, although the most populated city is Limassol, on the southern coast of the island; the more hilly or mountainous inland areas are devoid of significant inhabited centers.
